Monday, July 8, 2013

Valensorow's Maiden Voyage, as remembered by Slamby pt. 4 : Waging the War at the Black Sheep

The road from Wyoming was beautiful this fine summer day! We took some advice and drove a more scenic route (and supposedly more speedy, we were cutting it a hair too close for comfort), and before long we were passing through rolling mountains with fields of green too breathtaking to capture accurately on camera. We felt significantly more folk metal by just existing there, and it only got more intense while entering Colorado. The route lead us through Fort Collins and before long we hit traffic outside of Denver. Oh, how I did not miss traffic! It was hardly as bad as traffic in Los Angeles but realistically, I would prefer surviving the rest of my non-living existence without being stuck looking at a bumper that seems to lead you like a carrot on a stick...a very slow, disgusting carrot...oh, how we missed the simplicity of Laramie!

Load in was at 6pm, and it was starting to look like we might be late, but by this point we had been through enough that we, to be rather blunt, just didn't care. Well, we care, but we knew that load-in is always well before the show actually starts, so we simply brushed the stress right off our shoulders and let Captain Wuldor Blaakhart lead us to Colorado Springs. Before we got there, we had a brief glimpse into the horror that was the wildfire destroying homes and lives in the Black Forest. A tall, dark cloud of smoke was in the distance above the pines, and having heard the stories through friends in the area, we hoped that the rescue team could help anyone and everyone who was losing everything they owned. “The Black Forest Burns Red” sounds like an amazing black metal album though.

And there it was. “Colorado Springs City Limit.” The Black Sheep was so close, and we all began feeling anticipation, excitement, and anxiety as we approached. Running off of very little sleep, poor nourishment, and an excess of booze, we navigated through the city streets and into the parking lot of the venue only a few minutes late. Clearly we were in the right place, there were a bunch of metalheads standing around chain smoking cigarettes. Feels like home! After a quick stretch, we introduced ourselves to the other bands and shared some laughs. All the gentlemen from Restore All Vengeance were very helpful and nice. They were the dudes who actually set up the show, and what a way to meet a band, by playing their final show before they breakup! They had all their merch set up for free and we made sure to steal some of it before the hordes arrived and looted the table.

The venue itself was rather deceiving. The stage was risen several feet above the crowd and from the center of it, the capacity seemed on the smaller end (it got packed, they can fit a ton of heads in there, I almost didn't know where to rest mine). The bar was certainly the biggest disappointment, they had NO idea what an AMF was and were rather rude about it too. However, they gave two drink tickets to each member, so we quickly unloaded all the gear, set up our booth, and assigned Dr. Bruce as designated driver (drink tickets being handed over to yours truly) before indulging in the finest of beverages, specifically many, many beers and a few long islands. The other bands had a bunch of their friends set up camp selling merch at their tables, and although I have no idea how it actually started, Clan Valensorow was waging an all-out war against the followers of Restore All Vengeance. Wristbands were being launched with amazing accuracy at ungodly speeds across the room, with many nearby concert-goers falling victim to the fray. The fight ended with a truce and many laughs as the bystanders had no idea what to do with us strange warriors in kilts.

The first band of the evening was Forsake It All. I didn't listen too much to any of the bands beforehand, I got a little preoccupied with, well, being a deer. Forsake It All was pretty good, christian hardcore (which shocked me that everyone there loves hardcore/metalcore, definitely made things much more like home, it might as well have been a show at the Refuge). Next up was Vital Malice, who Tommy Noble was really impressed by and tried to give them a huge shoutout during the Valensorow set but ended up screaming “give it up for VITAL REMAINS!” Definitely not one of his finest moments. Then Valensorow performed while I watched the merch with Menicucci. They acted like they were home, it probably helped a lot that Wuldor and Dr. Bruce had some friends in the audience (Wuldor's old bandmates from Winterforge showed up and Dr. Bruce's friends from ages ago, including his friend who was getting married, were in attendance). The lighting was great, the crowd was awesome, the sound guys were dicks but they ran a good show. A certain one-armed scallywag ended up destroying everyone in the pit, he went nuts! He could teach Captain Blaakhart a thing or two about what it means to live “a pirates life for me!” Following Valensorow and closing up the night was Restore All Vengeance, they definitely seemed to be having a ton of fun up there. After the show, we loaded the van, finished our beer, said our goodbyes and thank yous to everyone, then headed off to Conner's buddy's place to get some well deserved sleep.

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